Friday, August 10, 2018

John Silvestervich recognized

Although John has been a member of the DPCUC for 17 years - many of those as president - much his earlier career in public education involved computer learning... starting with the introduction of the first personal computers. He's been taking some time off, from volunteering, to tend to both his family and to his own medical treatments. In recognition of John's devotion to our organization, he was presented with a lifetime membership in the Club.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Aug 09 2018 -Techboomers

Steve Black created and maintains a great set of resources for those wanting a quick and neat source of information for handling today's technology. Although Techboomers started out as a FYI/DIY for his parents, it has morphed into a "HELP ME!" resource for anyone... and it's now totally free. Steve is a Waterloo grad, residing in Canada. The Techboomers website is replete with tutorials (many with video and text journals), links for alternate software, and advice regarding security and privacy. We'll be showing parts of his APCUG podcast, and have a look at the website.