Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Postal Adress

In order to reduce costs, the Club has transferred its snail mail address to a UPS postal box. Mailings to the old club address will not be redirected by Canada Post to this new address. 
(The old address expires at the end of September, 2012).
Start using the new address, below, immediately.

Durham Personal Computer User's Club
PMB # 295 now # 110
27 - 1300 King St. East
 Oshawa, ON  L1H 8J4

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September - Free Satellite TV - Dr. Sat

Serge Cormier (a.k.a. Dr. Sat) is aided by club president, John Sylvestervich and newlsetter editor, Alex Morrison, as he prepared for his live demonstration and presentation of free satellite dish reception. Serge recommended solutions for both C-band and KU-band, for which customers may save money by re-using an old, large dish, for some channels. The Dr. Sat website offers a wealth of information for equipping and setting up a dish system. A tool for discovering the proper angle for your site displays on a Google map. Dr. Sat also offers equipment for, and installations of, over-the-air antennas, pay satellite, internet, and phones.